Soil Analysis and Characterisation
Determining which chemical substances are in the subsoil. Differentiating the ones generated by human activity from natural ones. Studying how they are distributed. Foreseeing their evolution. Estimating the chances of damage.
Investigation and characterization is providing answers to these questions through an exhaustive geochemical and hydrogeological study that includes indirect methods and/or drilling to take soil and water samples at different depths. This is the efficient way to obtain essential information.
LITOCLEAN undertakes to design investigation strategies that provide all the information required with the optimum amount of work, thereby minimising cost and interference with site activity.
The company’s experts start from a historic study that reveals which potentially contaminating activities have been executed at the site. This study includes sequences of aerial photographs of different stages to obtain a chronological view of activities in the area. Likewise, LITOCLEAN uses the latest innovations in the study of soil gases that enable the design of a preliminary map of the distribution of contaminants in the subsoil, without the need for large drilling.
Therefore, it has technologies like PETREX®, a quick and minimally invasive tool owned by LITOCLEAN that enables the detection and identification of contaminants in soil and groundwater, or MIP (Membrane Interface Probe) that enables the definition of three-dimensional distribution of organic compounds in subsoil.