Litoclean, accredited for Risk Analysis by the Government of Catalonia
The Oficina de Acreditación de Entidades Colaboradoras (Collaborating Entities Accreditation Office, OAEC in spanish), responsible for the authorization of entities on the matter of the environment in Catalonia, has empowered Litoclean for the development of works and procedures of Risk Analysis. This accreditation has been obtained after an audit of the processes performed by the company on the mentioned activities. This new authorization will join the previous one already granted to Litoclean by OAEC, as a Control Entity on the prevention of soil contamination.
It is important to emphasize that, after July 1st, the Agència de Residus de Catalunya (most competent body in soil issues) demands that all the regulatory reports on soil issues must be elaborated by entities entitled by the Catalonian government.
Litoclean also holds accreditations by Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (ENAC), the National Accreditation Entity and other autonomic governments for the design and execution of soil quality assessment, related to activities, facilities or actions potentially contaminants. These accreditations stand as a symbol of the company’s commitment with quality and the thoroughness of its works.