An excellent closure to the industrial doctoral studies of Natàlia Blázquez
The current environmental specialist and risk analyst crowned three years of a fruitful investigation.
“Excellent” was the qualification of the PhD thesis of Natàlia Blázquez Pallí, titled “Evaluation of the viability of bioremediation strategies in contaminated aquifers with chlorinated solvents.”..It was obtained after the oral exposure of the thesis before the committee at the Hall of Degrees at the Engineering School at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. This investigation, carried out by LITOCLEAN, UAB and UB altogether, was a great success and the now PhD Engineer believes that it would be worth to maintain this line of work: “The results can be relevant and I hope they could be a guide from now on.” The committee wanted to thank the role of LITOCLEAN and highlighted the importance of the support the company gives to scientific investigation.
After three years of intense work, Blázquez’s thesis ends with the highest qualification. Actually working as environmental specialist and risk analyst at LITOCLEAN, she assures that her objective at the company is to “keep working at the same line in order to design and implement bioremediation treatments that are adequate and efficient to the different conditions of contaminated sites.”